February 16, 2017 The Smoke and Mirrors Behind Climate Modeling: Advice to Policymakers
A discussion on the modeling, science, and economics behind climate change.
Thursday, Feb 16, 2017
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation
Hosted By
The Trump Administration now has the opportunity to fundamentally reform American energy and climate policy. Over the last eight years, the Obama Administration consistently pursued carbon taxes, cap and trade policies, and even forcibly pushed many greenhouse gas regulations into federal law. Their justification for doing so was based on a variety of statistical models regarding greenhouse gas emissions, known as integrated assessment models, as well as questionable research regarding the planet's climate itself. Recent research has found that these models are inherently flawed and, if taken seriously, would have negligible impact on the climate itself with disastrous economic consequences. As a result, policymakers in both the Trump Administration and Congress are urged to question these models when devising regulatory policy.
The panel discussion will be led by Dr. Kevin Dayaratna who serves as a senior statistician and research programmer in the Institute for Economic Freedom and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation. He will be joined by Chip Knappenberger who is the Assistant Director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute and Dr. Ross McKitrick who is a professor of Economics at the University of Guelph, a senior fellow at the Fraser Institute and an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.
Join us for a discussion of the modeling, science, and economics behind climate change.
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COMMENTARY 3 min read
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