Event Global Politics
Event Global Politics
April 25, 2017 Diplomatic and Foreign Assistance Reforms for the Trump Era: The Negative Impact of Obama Policies on U.S. Interests
Have the State Department and USAID used dollars to fund progressive causes?
Tuesday, Apr 25, 2017
10:00 am - 11:30 am
The Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC
Opening Remarks by

The Honorable Mike Lee
United States Senator
Followed by a Discussion with
James M. Roberts
Former Research Fellow For Economic Freedom and Growth
Alfonso Aguilar
President, Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles
Sen. James Walsh
Member of the Irish Senate, 1997-2016
Have the State Department and USAID been using taxpayer dollars to fund progressive causes around the world, and thus turning U.S. allies away? Senator Lee, one of six U.S. Senators to ask Secretary Tillerson for a probe, will discuss potential future steps. He will be followed by a panel of experts who will discuss the impact of these policies in Latin America and Ireland, and how the Trump Administration can reform USAID.
More on This Issue
COMMENTARY 3 min read
SPECIAL REPORT 38 min read
ISSUE BRIEF 7 min read