September 22, 2017 The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy
Co-hosted by the National Review Institute's Center for Religion, Culture and Civil Society
Friday, Sep 22, 2017
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation
Featured Speakers

Mark Regnerus
Hosted by
Moderated by
Sex is cheap. Ease in sexual access has created an earthquake in the contemporary “mating market.” The fall-out – failed relationships, wasted time, and a longer and more uncertain pathway to marriage – was made possible by our shared technologies more than by fissures in politics or religion.
Drawing on survey and interview data, University of Texas professor Mark Regnerus scrutinizes the American mating market, describing how men’s interests have come to dominate it, even while their marriageability is receding. Drawing upon surveys, interviews, and scholars ranging from evolutionary psychologists to gender theorists, what emerges is a fascinating story about technological breakthroughs, and the unintended consequences of women’s successes and men’s failures. No longer playing a supporting role in enduring relationships, sex has emerged as a central priority in relationship development and continuation. But unravel the layers, and it is obvious that this new “industrial sex” is far more a reflection of men’s interests than women’s.
Join us for a discussion of Professor Regnerus’s new book.
COMMENTARY 4 min read
SPECIAL REPORT About an hour read
BACKGROUNDER 13 min read