China Global Investment Tracker: 2012

Report China

China Global Investment Tracker: 2012

January 6, 2012 1 min read
Derek Scissors
Former Senior Research Fellow
Derek is a former Senior Research Fellow.

Revised and Updated July 9, 2012

Download the dataset on large Chinese foreign investments: China Global Investment Tracker

China's investment overseas is increasingly important to the United States and the international community. The China Global Investment Tracker created by The Heritage Foundation is the only publicly available, comprehensive dataset of large Chinese investments and contracts worldwide beyond Treasury bonds. Details are available for almost 500 attempted transactions -- failed and successful -- over $100 million in all industries, including energy, mining, transportation and banking.

 China's Worldwide Reach

For more information on the growing Chinese investments

Chinese Outward Investment: More Opportunity Than Danger
Chinese investment is not taking the world by storm financially, nor will it in the near future. It does not pose a major threat to the U.S., either in the purchase of American assets or expansion of Chinese influence around the globe. At home, U.S. policy concerning Chinese investment should be more transparent. Overseas, the best reply is to expand American commercial influence--for instance, through free trade agreements. These steps will help to create more economic opportunities in the U.S. and enhance America's global position.

Chinese Outward Investment: Acceleration Features the U.S.
Chinese outward investment strengthened in the first half of 2012. The leading recipient of new Chinese investment was the U.S., recovering sharply from a very weak 2011. Unsurprisingly, energy is still the main target for investment but, in addition, transportation construction contracts are prominent while investment in the financial sector receded. The best policy for the U.S. is to continue to outpace China by opening markets around the world to American invesetors.

Rebalancing Chinese Investment In The U.S.
Well over 90 percent of Chinese investment in the U.S. goes to low-yield government bonds. Investment is skewed toward the government due to the foolish and destructive American federal budget deficit, but also because political opposition blocks Chinese spending outside bonds. There are certainly sectors important to national security that should be off-limits but, beyond those, the U.S. should accept more non-bond investment.


Derek Scissors

Former Senior Research Fellow

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