Tim Roney / Contributor / Getty Images
Iron Ladies Network
A national security network for conservative women, hosted by The Heritage Foundation,
that honors the legacy of Lady Margaret Thatcher.
Margaret Thatcher was a strong and principled stateswoman who challenged the status quo and became a role model for generations of young conservative women working in national security. She is the original Iron Lady for whom this network is named.
This network advances the leadership and professional development of conservative women in the field of national security through leadership training, mentoring, and networking opportunities, as well as high-level speaker events and skills workshops to guide the next generation of “Iron Ladies.”
Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”
Lady Margaret Thatcher
A mix of professional women in their early and mid-careers who work across the national security space in Capitol Hill offices, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, private sector companies, and government.
The Network hosts monthly in-person dinners to discuss an “issue of the month” with high-level speakers including former senior government officials, Members of Congress, and conservative thought leaders.
Past events include:
- Afternoon Tea with the Rt Honorable Former U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss
- Visit to the U.K. Embassy with Ambassador Karen Pierce
- “The Nexus Between Intelligence and Policy” with the Institute of World Politics
- “Crafting a National Security Strategy” with Dr. Nadia Schadlow
- “Marketing Yourself in D.C.” with Erin Walsh, Jamie Burke, and Mira Ricardel
Want to join or nominate someone else for the network? Fill out this brief questionnaire.