American History


American History

The principles of America’s Founders must be restored to their proper role in the public and political discourse, influencing public policy and reforming government to reflect constitutional limits. 


Learn more about a wide range of conservative policies that reflect the vision of our Founders with Solutions.


Resources: Constitutional Guidance for Lawmakers |  First Principles EssaysThe Founders’ Almanac | Makers of Political ThoughtMoments in American HistoryPrimary Sources


Poverty and Welfare in the American Founding Thomas G. West, Ph.D.

May 19, 2015 25 min read


The True Origin of Society: The Founders on the Family Scott Yenor, Ph.D.

Oct 16, 2013 39 min read


James Madison: Father of the Constitution Colleen Sheehan, Ph.D

Apr 8, 2013 16 min read


Nation Has Lost Its Principles Under President Obama Julia Shaw

Jul 8, 2012 2 min read


Interposition and the Heresy of Nullification: James Madison and the Exercise... Christian G. Fritz, Ph.D.

Feb 21, 2012 41 min read


Is America Exceptional? Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.

Dec 14, 2011 13 min read


America, the Great Beacon of Liberty Israel Ortega

Jul 5, 2011 2 min read