At a time when an alarming number of Latin American countries
are eschewing free markets for populist nationalism, the United
States needs all the friends it can get in the hemisphere. Yet the
Bush administration has largely missed a promising opportunity to
promote deeper market reform and democracy next door in
Two conservative presidents who like to wear cowboy boots somehow
didn't get along. Now approaching the end of their time in office,
much remains to be done to integrate our markets and share the
burden of securing the North American continent.
George W. Bush was a straight-shooting governor from Texas who
wanted to improve U.S.-Latin American relations. Likewise, Vicente
Fox Quesada was the reform-minded leader from Guanajuato state who
became Mexico's first opposition party president in 71 years. But
politics and miscommunication jinxed the alliance.
For one thing, the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States
consumed the energies of the brand-new Bush administration's
foreign policy team and dramatically reshaped domestic political
Fox missed the significance of this, relying on the judgment of a
quirky foreign secretary he appointed to garner support from the
Mexican left. On his secretary's advice, Fox made migratory reform
with the United States the centerpiece of his foreign policy and
rigidly adhered to it despite glaring signs that the timing was
U.S. officials knew Fox was badly advised. Yet, the Bush
administration turned a cold shoulder instead of trying to educate
him, his congress, or the Mexican public on American perspectives.
That shoulder grew even colder after Mexico withdrew from the Rio
Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance in 2002 and declined to support the
United States in liberating Iraq.
Just last month, President Bush hosted a summit for President Fox
and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin at his Crawford, Texas
ranch. Again, miscommunication was at play. Press accounts
suggested that Fox thought he was going to discuss a broader vision
how the North American Free Trade Agreement might develop into a
common market and how Canada, the United States and Mexico could
collaborate on a tri-national security zone.
Instead, the White House used it as an opportunity to shake hands
on small details such as developing common inspection procedures at
border entry points, harmonizing rules governing the movement of
goods as well as cooperating to reduce dependence on overseas
sources of energy, an unrealistic goal considering the United
States' huge petroleum appetite that dwarfs total North American
To their credit, Bush and Fox mentioned the problem of hundreds of
thousands of undocumented Mexican migrants streaming into the
United States each year. President Bush said he needed U.S.
Congressional action to approve a guest worker program, but
declined to suggest what Mexico could do to create jobs at home and
better educate workers to take advantage of them.
Half of Mexico's 40 million laborers work informally. Recently,
there have been only enough new jobs to go around to a fifth of the
1 million or so that join the labor force each year.
At fault are political oligarchs who still control the core of the
Institutional Revolutionary Party that ruled for seven decades, as
well as the national leadership of the left-leaning Democratic
Revolutionary Party. They oppose free market policies fearing loss
of control over state monopolies and the rise of a broad,
independent-minded middle class.
The Bush administration refused to hold them accountable while
missing numerous opportunities to praise President Fox, such as
when he passed a freedom of information act that encourages
government accountability. He also successfully promoted civil
service reform so that public servants are selected by merit, not
political patronage. In addition, he helped establish a new,
professional federal bureau of investigation and has dramatically
increased Mexico's cooperation with U.S. authorities on border
security and counter-narcotics.
In 2006 Mexicans will elect a new president. Absent pointed
recognition of what Fox and his National Action Party have
achieved, Mexicans could opt for an old-fashioned populist big
spender such as Mexico City Mayor Manuel López Obrador.
Currently under prosecution for violating court orders on a road
construction project, López could well roll back Fox's
democratic and free market achievements while retaining the
misguided, migration-focused foreign policy that helps Mexico evade
further reform.
But for now, George W. Bush talks about secure borders that will
help keep terrorists out, while Vicente Fox insists that unemployed
Mexicans have a right to work in the United States where economic
pastures are greener.
Their words seem chosen to please disparate audiences. For the good
of both countries, they should drop the posturing and use remaining
encounters to foster better understanding so both countries can
enjoy a more beneficial relationship.
Stephen Johnson is senior policy analyst for Latin America in
the Davis Institute for International Studies at The Heritage
First Appeared in the Orange County Register