Primary Sources

Primary Sources


The Mount Vernon Statement- Constitutional Conservatism: A Statement for the 21st Century

America's Heritage by William F. Buckley, Jr.

The Modern Academy's Embrace of Relativism

Ten Conservative Principles by Russell Kirk

Returning to Original Meaning by Edwin Meese

First Inaugural Address by Ronald Reagan

Commencement Address at Howard University by Lyndon B. Johnson

A Time for Choosing by Ronald Reagan

Commencement Address at the University of Michigan by Lyndon B. Johnson

The Sharon Statement

Warns of the Misuse of Knowledge in Society by Friedrich Hayek

Second Bill of Rights (State of the Union Address) by Franklin D. Roosevelt

Future of Liberalism by John Dewey

FDR First Inaugural by Franklin D. Roosevelt

Commonwealth Club Address by Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Inspiration of the Declaration by Calvin Coolidge

War Message to Congress by Woodrow Wilson

What is Progress by Woodrow Wilson

Progressive Conception of Freedom by John Dewey and James Tufts

Progressive Political Science by Charles Merriam

Study of Administration by Woodrow Wilson

Socialism and Democracy by Woodrow Wilson

Letter to Danbury Baptists by Thomas Jefferson

First Inaugural Address by Thomas Jefferson

New Jersey Recognizes the Right of Women to Vote

Farewell Address by George Washington

On Property by James Madison

Letter to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island by George Washington

Thanksgiving Proclamation by George Washington

Introduction to The Federalist Papers by Anthony A. Peacock

The Constitution of the United States

Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom

Massachusetts Constitution

The Essex Result

Slave Petition for Freedom to the Massachusetts Legislature

Declaration of Independence

Virginia Declaration of Rights

Thoughts on Government by John Adams

The Farmer Refuted by Alexander Hamilton


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