This year marks the 50th anniversary of the alliance between
South Korea and the United States, but there's been little
celebration lately.
In South Korea, anger over the acquittal for homicide of two U.S.
servicemen who accidentally ran over two teenage girls with their
armored vehicle has sparked anti-American protests in the capital
and other cities. Meanwhile, in the United States, some pundits and
policy-makers have been wondering out loud why 37,000 U.S. troops
remain in a region where that's been relatively peaceful for a
Speaking as a former Army officer stationed in Korea, I can say
this: It would be a grave error to leave South Korea. For one
thing, our presence there is a major reason why there has been
peace in the region since the end of the Korean War in 1953. If
Americans troops left, deep historical animosities and territorial
disputes among Russia, China, Japan and the two Koreas would lead
to a major arms race for territory and military dominance. This is
not something to brush off, considering three of the five nations
have nuclear weapons, and, in the case of North Korea, seem willing
to use them.
But protecting the peace isn't the only reason the United States
is in Korea. We're there to protect the principles of democracy,
too. Thanks largely to an American presence in the Asian region,
the democracies of South Korea and Taiwan are protected from
hostile threats by dictatorships in North Korea and China.
For Japan, the presence of U.S. forces allows this key ally to
maintain its "peace" constitution, which forbids the development of
an offensive military force. An American presence in Korea also
lets Japan feel secure in a nuclear age without an arsenal of
nuclear weapons.
And, despite the recent protests, South Korea seems to understand
this. The country of 48 million recently elected a candidate who
ran on a platform that emphasized a policy of engaging North Korea
regardless of North Korea's reactions or reciprocity.
President-elect Roh Moo-Hyun was elected with about 48 percent of
the vote. His rival, Lee Hoi Chang, who advocated a firmer policy
toward the North seeking reciprocity and a reduction in North
Korea's hostile security posture, won 46 percent. Both candidates,
and the majority of the citizens of South Korea, continue to
recognize the stability and security that the U.S. presence in
Korea provides, and they support a continued American
This strong mutual commitment has served both countries well for
50 years. But that doesn't mean this relationship should stay
exactly the same. The improvements the U.S. military has made in
deploying forces quickly nearly anywhere around the world mean that
fewer U.S. forces are required on the Korean Peninsula. This is
achievable because the South Korean armed forces' strength,
professionalism and desire to shoulder a greater burden for their
country's security means that the number and disposition of
American troops can be adjusted in consultation with South Korean
military leaders. Such adjustments will strengthen relations and
cooperation between our two countries.
Make no mistake, though: Keeping U.S. forces in South Korea as long
as they are welcome there is good policy. It's important for
Americans and South Koreans to remember that for another 50 years,
and beyond. The future of peace and democracy in the region depends
on it.
Larry M.
Wortzel, Ph.D., is vice president for foreign policy
and defense studies at The Heritage Foundation, (,
a Washington-based think tank. He is a retired Army colonel who
served in the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea, and was a director at
the Strategic Studies Institute of the Army War College.
Distributed nationally on the Knight-Ridder Tribune wire