Japan's Growing Role in Indo-Pacific Security

Event China
Event China

October 22, 2021 Japan's Growing Role in Indo-Pacific Security

Join us for a discussion of the importance of the U.S.-Japan alliance for regional security. 

Friday, Oct 22, 2021

3:00 pm - 3:45 pm



Japan warned that regional security threats are “becoming more complex far more quickly than anticipated.” China’s military capacity continues to rise, while its foreign policy has assumed a more assertive and nationalist character. North Korea is producing a new generation of advanced mobile missiles that are more dangerous and difficult to locate and target.     

Newly elected Prime Minister Fumio Kishida pledged strong support for the U.S. alliance, augmenting missile defenses, and to consider Japan developing strike capabilities. But the change in Japanese leadership raises questions as to the future of Tokyo’s role in responding to the deteriorating security environment, including an allied defense of Taiwan.  

Join us for a discussion of the importance of the U.S.-Japan alliance for regional security. 

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