The Trump Administration and the Future of the ROK-U.S. Alliance

Event China
Event China

November 8, 2017 The Trump Administration and the Future of the ROK-U.S. Alliance

Co-hosted by the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses

Wednesday, Nov 8, 2017

10:00 am - 4:45 pm

The Heritage Foundation

214 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC



Opening Remarks (10:00 - 10:15 a.m.)

James Jay Carafano, Vice President, Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, The Heritage Foundation

Park Chang-kwoun, Director, Center for Security and Strategy, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses


Session 1 (10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.)

The Trump Administration’s Policies toward the Asia-Pacific and Korean Peninsula


Patrick M. Cronin, Senior Advisor & Senior Director, Asia-Pacific Security Program, Center for a New American Security

James Schoff, Senior Fellow, Asia Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Park Chang-kwoun, Director, Center for Security and Strategy, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses

Bruce Klingner, Senior Research Fellow, Asian Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation – Moderator


Lunch Break – Light Sandwich Buffet Provided (12:00 - 1:00 p.m.)


Session 2 (1:00 - 2:30 p.m.)

The South Korean Government’s Policies toward the U.S., North Korea, and Northeast Asia


Abraham Denmark, Director, Asia Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center

Park Ihn-hwi, Ewha Womans University, South Korea

Kim Jina, Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses

Walter Lohman, Director, Asian Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation – Moderator


Keynote Address (2:30 - 3:00 p.m.)

The Honorable Cory Gardner (R-CO), United States Senator


Session 3 (3:15 - 4:45 p.m.)

The U.S.–ROK Alliance - Challenges and Opportunities


Jung H. Pak, Senior Fellow and SK-Korea Foundation Chair in Korea Studies, Brookings Institution

General (Ret.) Jung Seung-jo, Former Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, South Korea

Cho Nam-hoon, Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses
Bruce Klingner, Senior Research Fellow, Asian Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation

LTG (Ret.) Thomas Spoehr, Director, Center for National Defense, The Heritage Foundation – Moderator


North Korea is on the cusp of being able to target the United States with nuclear weapons and hints at conducting a nuclear test over the Pacific Ocean. President Trump has vowed that the regime having such capabilities is “intolerable” and has threatened military action to prevent it. South Korean President Moon Jae-in has declared that the U.S. won’t conduct any attack without Seoul’s permission. Tensions on the Korean Peninsula continue to escalate.


President Trump is scheduled to make his first official visit to South Korea on November 7-8, 2017. His visit will focus on bilateral meetings with President Moon, speaking to the National Assembly, and visiting with U.S. and ROK service members. The President’s visit will highlight the strong U.S.-ROK alliance during an increasingly challenging time on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia. Join us on November 8 for a timely discussion by distinguished experts on the very issues that President Trump and President Moon will address.