We Win, and They Lose: A Conservative Strategy to Win the New Cold War

Event China
Event China

March 19, 2024 We Win, and They Lose: A Conservative Strategy to Win the New Cold War

Join us for a thought-provoking panel discussion on strategies to win the New Cold War.

Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Heritage Foundation

208 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC


Drawing inspiration from President Ronald Reagan’s goal for the contest with the Soviet Union - “We win, and they lose” -  Matthew Kroenig and Dan Negrea’s new book, We Win They Lose: Republican Foreign Policy & the New Cold War, articulates a conservative strategy to defeat the Chinese Communist Party as America navigates a New Cold War.

Dissecting the major national security challenges implicated in the New Cold War, from the Chinese partnership with authoritarian powers and American adversaries across the globe to the disaster unfolding on America’s unsecured southern border, Kroenig and Negrea explain how a conservative approach is best positioned to address these complex challenges and make the 21st century an American century.

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