April 19, 2021 VIRTUAL EVENT: New Tools for New Threats: John Ratcliffe on Strengthening U.S. Intelligence Capabilities
Are America’s intelligence agencies well postured to respond to the rapidly evolving threats from China, Russia and their closest allies?
Monday, Apr 19, 2021
11:00 am - 11:45 am
Hosted by
Introduction by
For the first time since the end of the Cold War, rising authoritarian powers are unapologetically attempting to undermine the international order and challenge the American way of life. To confront this threat, the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) must undergo the biggest transformation since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
We face geopolitical upheaval around the globe, and “hybrid warfare” enabled by widespread disinformation campaigns are on the rise. Furthermore, America’s enemies are leveraging rapidly-evolving technological capabilities, including cyber warfare, on par with the U.S.
Are America’s intelligence agencies well postured to respond to the rapidly evolving threats from China, Russia and their closest allies? No one is better positioned to answer that question than John Ratcliffe, former Director of National Intelligence and former member of the House Intelligence Committee. Join us as he discusses the opportunities for America’s spies, principal barriers holding our intelligence agencies back, and how to best protect America in the new age of Great Power Competition.
COMMENTARY 6 min read
COMMENTARY 1 min read
COMMENTARY 4 min read