Few of us would refuse free money. But when it comes to federal
education funds, states are doing just that--and, in the process,
providing an interesting context for President Bush's latest
His budget would cut more than $4 billion from 48 ineffective
federal education programs and reallocate most of it to several new
Bush initiatives focused on high school and college students.
Overall, the president is recommending a $530-million cut in the
Department of Education's $56-billion annual budget.
Bush's budget request coincides with the release of an explosive
new study by the House Education and Workforce Committee that shows
states are incapable of spending all the federal education dollars
sent their way. The committee found that the states "returned more
than $66 million in unused federal education funds to the U.S.
Treasury in 2004."
Democrats, inexplicably, ignored these findings and lambasted Bush.
Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy characterized the President's
budget as "the most anti-student education budget since [President
Reagan] tried to eliminate the Department of Education." Where is
the Democratic line in the sand?
Reconciliation Important
"A word that people are going to have to become familiar with,"
House Budget Chairman Jim Nussle announced at his committee's first
hearing on President Bush's fiscal 2006 budget, "is
reconciliation." "Reconciliation" is Washington-ese for the
hodgepodge of legislative proposals required to squeeze savings (in
amounts set forth by the House and Senate in the annual budget
resolution) from exploding entitlement programs such as Medicare,
Medicaid and farm subsidies.
The new chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, New Hampshire's
Judd Gregg, echoed Nussle's blunt assessment. Gregg fingered
Medicaid and Medicare as the programs most in need of Congress's
In his budget, the President proposed several tweaks to Medicaid
that would yield a 10-year savings of $60 billion and recommended
about $6 billion in reforms to corral runaway farm subsidies.
The willingness of lawmakers to acknowledge the inevitability of
the first budget reconciliation process that would force Congress
to look at mandatory-spending reductions since 1997, combined with
Bush's willingness to confront controversial areas of federal
largesse, suggests that the political battle lines in 2005 will
resemble those that prevailed during the days of the
Republican-controlled Congresses of the mid-1990s.
Expect congressional Democrats to wage relentless battles against
every Republican proposal to reduce spending, even as they decry
Republican deficits and profligacy. But congressional Republicans
should welcome the return of this brand of warfare, which will help
them re-establish a reputation for spending restraint with their
frustrated conservative base. This would be no small political
feat, given that the 2006 mid term election qualifies as a
"six-year itch" election (where voters historically turn out
members of the president's party during his sixth year in office).
Enthusiasm among core Republican supporters will be crucial for
Republicans to retain control of Congress.
To earn this enthusiasm, Republican leaders will have to deliver
on the high expectations established in the President's budget--a
1% reduction in non-security spending, some restraint in federal
entitlement programs, and the enactment of promising budgetary
reforms, such as the President's proposal to require Congress to
vote in an expedited manner on the elimination and consolidation of
wasteful federal programs.
A Taxing Debate
Every legislative debate requires a right and left wall--parameters
within which the real debate takes place. Liberals and
conservatives define their dream scenarios, and the outcome winds
up somewhere in the middle.
During the struggle to enact President Bush's $1.6-trillion tax cut
in 2001, for example, House conservatives rallied around an even
larger $2.3-trillion tax reduction plan designed by former Rep. Pat
Toomey of Pennsylvania. Their insistence on the largest possible
tax cut created a necessary context for the President's plan, as
did liberal proposals to move the other way and increase taxes on
the "rich."
The current confrontation over Social Security is no exception. At
a recent gathering, more than 50 House conservatives agreed to
several debate-defining markers. Among them:
- Workers should be able to deposit all of the employee's share
of the payroll tax, about 6% percent of every dollar earned up to
$90,000, into a personal account, not the President's recommended
level of 4% (with an initial cap of $1,000).
- The accounts should not be delayed until 2009, as the President
- No tax increase can be part of the final deal, whether that
hike comes in the form of an increase in the amount of wages
subject to the payroll tax, an increase in the payroll tax itself,
or the introduction of a new tax to offset the costs. Indiana Rep.
Mike Pence, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, described
the opposition to new or increased taxes as "deafening."
- The transition financing required to fund the personal accounts should come first and foremost from cuts in government spending.
Congressional leaders should keep these concerns in mind as they
craft a Social Security reform plan.
Mr. Franc, who
has held a number of positions on Capitol Hill, is vice president
of Government Relations at The Heritage Foundation.
First appeared in Human Events