Budget and Spending


Budget and Spending

Federal spending has grown rapidly over the last decade, leading to substantial budget deficits that have crippled the economy and financially harmed Americans. 


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Learn more about policies that rein in spending and strengthen the economy with Solutions.


Obama’s Economic Policies Are Not Working Israel Ortega

Jul 27, 2010 2 min read


Osborne Has a Long Way to Go, But At Least He's Started Ted R. Bromund, PhD

Jun 30, 2010 3 min read


Obama Budget Raises Taxes and Doubles the National Debt Brian M. Riedl

Mar 9, 2010 16 min read


Will Obama Choose Fiscal Responsibility or Gimmicks? Brian M. Riedl

Jan 21, 2010 3 min read


Why the Stimulus Failed to Create Jobs Brian M. Riedl

Dec 12, 2009 3 min read


Massive Debt to Drive U.S. Decline Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.

Oct 30, 2009 3 min read