Budget and Spending


Budget and Spending

Federal spending has grown rapidly over the last decade, leading to substantial budget deficits that have crippled the economy and financially harmed Americans. 


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Chairman Ryan’s Proposals for Fixing the Budget Process Patrick Louis Knudsen

Dec 8, 2011 5 min read


Appropriations Tracker: FY 2012

Nov 1, 2011 2 min read


A Dangerous Debt Ceiling Deal Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.

Aug 2, 2011 6 min read


A Dangerous Debt Ceiling Deal Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.

Aug 1, 2011 6 min read


The Fourteenth Amendment Is No Blank Check for Debt Increases Andrew M. Grossman

Jul 11, 2011 8 min read


'Congressional common sense': An oxymoron Ernest Istook

Jun 20, 2008 3 min read