Budget and Spending


Budget and Spending

Federal spending has grown rapidly over the last decade, leading to substantial budget deficits that have crippled the economy and financially harmed Americans. 


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President's Budget Vetoes Put Needed Brake on Congressional Spending Brian M. Riedl

Nov 14, 2007 4 min read


The Democratic Congress's 2008 Budget: A Tax and Spending Spree Brian M. Riedl

Oct 30, 2007 15 min read


Budget Delays Should Not Cause Government Shutdowns Brian M. Riedl

Sep 24, 2007 3 min read


Congressional Spending: Past Abuse Is No Excuse for Today's Excess Ernest Istook

Jul 30, 2007 14 min read


Democrats Pick a Fight Over Bush's Budget Robert B. Bluey

Jul 9, 2007 3 min read


Earmark Appropriations: Pork - Or Mystery Meat? Ernest Istook

Jul 9, 2007 14 min read


House Republicans Reclaim Their Brand on Spending Robert B. Bluey

Jun 25, 2007 3 min read