Budget and Spending


Budget and Spending

Federal spending has grown rapidly over the last decade, leading to substantial budget deficits that have crippled the economy and financially harmed Americans. 


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Executive Summary: Time to Hold the Line on Spending Caps Wendell Cox

Mar 17, 1999 3 min read


Using Supplemental Spending Bills to Raid the Budget Surplus Gregg VanHelmond

Mar 5, 1999 8 min read


President's "Emergency" Spending Requests Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D.

Oct 7, 1998 3 min read


The One Percent Budget Showdown: Clinton's Veto Threats In Perspective Angela Antonelli

Oct 7, 1998 Over an hour read


Five Good Reasons To Close Down The Department of Commerce Angela Antonelli

May 20, 1998 18 min read


BG1181es:Five Good Reasons To Close Down The Department of Commerce Angela Antonelli

May 20, 1998 3 min read