Budget and Spending


Budget and Spending

Federal spending has grown rapidly over the last decade, leading to substantial budget deficits that have crippled the economy and financially harmed Americans. 


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Why Moving Transportation Trust Funds

Mar 31, 1998 3 min read


Transit Pork Has Few Passengers

Mar 27, 1998 2 min read


Seven Steps To Budget Process Reform David M. Mason

Mar 25, 1998 5 min read


Why Congress Must Preserve Spending Caps Scott Hodge

Mar 9, 1998 4 min read


Top 10 Obsolete Government Programs Scott Hodge

May 29, 1997 3 min read


"How Do We Manage the Economy Intelligently?" An Analysis of Our Budget, Our ... Senator Robert F. Bennett, R-Utah

May 15, 1997 32 min read