Outbound Investments


Outbound Investments

Investments flowing out of China to global markets

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Data Projects:


AEI China Global Investment Tracker
AEI’s China Global Investment Tracker is a China’s global investment and construction, which are documented both separately and together. The CGIT includes 3,400 large transactions across energy, transportation, real estate, and other industries, as well as 300 troubled transactions.

AidData: Mapping China’s Development Footprint
This online web map by AidData, a research lab at William & Mary in the United States, pinpoints the location of thousands of Chinese-funded development projects across the globe using data from AidData's Geocoded Global Chinese Official Finance Dataset released September 11, 2018.

MERICS Belt and Road Tracker
MERICS’ Belt and Road Tracker provides analyses of BRI-related developments and trends. Apart from the database, the Tracker provides a wide range of regional and thematic maps to visualize the initiative’s scope and progress – as well as its setbacks. Note: database is not available on website.

Global Development Policy Center: China's Global Energy Finance
China’s Global Energy Finance database is an interactive data project by Boston University’s Global Development Policy Center (GDPC) that exhibits financing for global energy projects by China’s two global policy banks—the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China.

Global Development Policy Center: China’s Global Power Database
GDPC’s China’s Global Power Database is an interactive data project tracking all the world's power plants financed by Chinese FDI and/or the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China. The database also demonstrates the estimated carbon footprint of these power plants.

Global Development Policy Center: China's Overseas Development Finance
GDPC’s China’s Overseas Development Finance is an interactive database on Chinese development finance.  The dataset includes 858 loans, detailing each project’s lender, year, amount, sector, and length in kilometers, where applicable. 

CSIS China Power Project
The CSIS China Power Project examines the evolving nature of Chinese power relative to other countries on five interrelated categories of Chinese power: militaryeconomicstechnologysocial, and international image.


SAIS-CARI Chinese Loans to Africa Database
The Johns Hopkins University SAIS China Africa Research Initiative (SAIS-CARI)’s Chinese Loans to Africa Database tracks Chinese lending to Africa. Data sources include official government documents, contractor websites, fieldwork, interviews, and media sources.


Datenna China-EU FDI Radar
The Datenna China-EU FDI Radar is an interactive map that tracks Chinese investments in Europe, indicating the level of Chinese state-influence for every acquisition.


Stimson Mekong Infrastructure Tracker
The Stimson Center’s Mekong Infrastructure Tracker platform is a resource for researchers to track, monitor, and quantify the development of energy, transportation, and water infrastructure assets and the social, economic, and ecological changes they bring to South East Asia.

Lowy Institute: Pacific Aid Map
Lowy Institute’s Pacific Aid Map is an analytical tool designed to enhance aid effectiveness in the Pacific by improving coordination, alignment and accountability of foreign aid through enhanced transparency of aid flows. The Pacific Aid Map team has collected data on close to 40,000 projects in 14 countries from 64 donors from 2010 onwards. This raw data has been made freely available on this interactive platform, allowing users to drill down and manipulate the data in a variety of ways. 

Australian National University EABER: Chinese Investment in Australia Database 
Australian National University East Asian Bureau of Economic Research’s Chinese Investment in Australia database is a public database of Chinese direct commercial investment in Australia. 

Latin America:

The Dialogue & GDPC: China-Latin America Finance Database
The Inter-American Dialogue and GDPC’s China-Latin America Finance Database includes loans from China’s policy banks, China Development Bank and China Export-Import Bank, to Latin American and Caribbean governments and state-owned enterprises.

United States:

Rhodium Group & NCUSCR: The US-China Investment Hub
Rhodium Group and NCUSCR’s U.S.-China Investment Hub is a database that tracks US-China capital flows, FDI and VC data. The database features an interactive map that shows Chinese direct investment in the US by year, industry, sector, deal type, and government ownership.

MacroPolo: The China Footprint
MacroPolo’s China Footprint project tracks the rapid expansions and contractions of the various types of Chinese consumption and investment on U.S. soil, from FDI to EB-5 investments.

MacroPolo: Know the Numbers
MacroPolo’s Know the Numbers is a heat map of every single entity (as of June 2017) in the United States that is majority owned by Chinese companies or investors. The map also includes measures of these investments’ impact on local employment and indicators of their contribution to local economic growth.

Papers and Reports:

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Strategic Implications and International Opposition by Jeff Smith, The Heritage Foundation (August 9, 2018).

Mitigating Governance Risks From Investment in Southeast Asia: A Study Of Chinese Capital Flows To Six Countries  by Center for International Private Enterprise (January 2020).

Chinese Investments in India’s Neighbourhood by Amit Bhandari and Chandni Jindal, Gateway House (March 12, 2018).

Chinese Investments in India by Amit Bhandari, Blaise Fernandes, and Aashna Agarwal, Gateway House (March 9, 2020).