May 6, 2024 Launch of Chinese Handcuffs: How China Hijacked the Environmental Agenda
Join us for the launch of The Heritage Foundation’s “Chinese Handcuffs” project, exploring the Chinese Communist Party’s calculated strategy to control “green energy” sources and the consequences of the American left’s eagerness to collaborate with China in the fight against climate change.
Monday, May 6, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation

Hosted by
Securing essential resources is a critical national security priority. This imperative fuels geostrategic competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). However, over many years, the PRC has executed a plan to reverse roles by infiltrating and dominating the “green movement” embraced by many on the political left.
To dissect this challenge, The Heritage Foundation’s Davis Institute of National Security and Foreign Policy is launching the “Chinese Handcuffs” project. These symbolic handcuffs represent the U.S. environmental agenda, which dates back to the 1970s but has accelerated significantly under the Biden administration. Unfortunately, this acceleration has come at the cost of natural U.S. energy advantages and energy consumers. In the coming months, Heritage’s Chinese Handcuffs project will delve into two interconnected themes: the CCP’s calculated strategy to control “green energy” sources and the consequences of the American left’s eagerness to collaborate with China in the fight against climate change.
Dr. Victoria Coates, Jack Spencer, and Erin Walsh from The Heritage Foundation, along with Landon Derentz from The Atlantic Council, will explore these project elements and China’s perilous energy developments.
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Chinese Handcuffs
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