


An increasingly hostile China threatens America’s friends, allies, and vital interests in Asia and abroad. 


Learn more about policies that safeguard U.S. economic interests while addressing ethical and human rights concerns in Asia with Solutions.


Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China 


China Tool Kit: 
7 Ways The Chinese Communist Party Attacks Life and Liberty In the United States
11 Ways States and Local Communities Can Counter the Chinese Communist Party


View the 2024 China Transparency Report here.


Obama’s India Visit Should Affirm New Delhi’s Global Role Lisa Curtis

Nov 3, 2010 5 min read


Give Australia Reason to Believe in American Leadership Walter Lohman

Nov 3, 2010 5 min read


The Indian Infrastructure Games Derek Scissors, Ph.D.

Oct 4, 2010 5 min read


East China Sea Flare-Up: Learning the Wrong Lessons in Beijing Dean Cheng

Sep 27, 2010 4 min read


Not the Time to Go Wobbly: Press U.S. Advantage on South China Sea Walter Lohman

Sep 22, 2010 6 min read


Free Markets and National Defense: U.S. Import Dependence on China Derek Scissors, Ph.D.

Sep 21, 2010 23 min read


Targeting the Yuan: A Feel-Good but Futile Response Derek Scissors, Ph.D.

Sep 9, 2010 4 min read