


An increasingly hostile China threatens America’s friends, allies, and vital interests in Asia and abroad. 


Learn more about policies that safeguard U.S. economic interests while addressing ethical and human rights concerns in Asia with Solutions.


Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China 


China Tool Kit: 
7 Ways The Chinese Communist Party Attacks Life and Liberty In the United States
11 Ways States and Local Communities Can Counter the Chinese Communist Party


View the 2024 China Transparency Report here.


Beijing Olympics Boycott: A Wake-Up Call John J. Tkacik, Jr.

Aug 22, 2007 6 min read



The Impact of U.S. Policy on North Korean Illicit Activities David L. Asher, Ph.D.

May 23, 2007 5 min read


North Korean Human Rights After the Six-Party Talks Jay Lefkowitz

Apr 25, 2007 14 min read