The Growing Need for Military Service

2021 Action Items

The Growing Need for Military Service

Jul 1, 2021 1 min read

No parent wants to put their child in harm’s way. We all know of the sacrifices and dangers of serving in the military, but also understand the truth of the adage, “freedom isn’t free.” This Independence Day, we honor the sacrifice that our servicemen and women have made in defending our freedom. Yet today, three-quarters of our American youth are not qualified for military service, due to criminal records, physical fitness problems, or a lack of a high school diploma. Ordinary Americans can help reverse these trends. Concerned citizens can share and promote military service as an honorable valid career path. Your voice and values can make a difference in protecting our nation!

Your Steps to Make a Difference:

LEARN: Read the Heritage article, How We Can Help the Military Fight for the Future of Our Country, then watch the Heritage event, Improving Recruitment and Retention: A Road Forward for America’s Military-Connected Families. Post either on one or more of your social media accounts using the hashtag #USMilitaryService. If you do not use social media, email the article or video to 5 of your friends.

SHARE: Encourage an early or rising college student you know to consider joining ROTC (officer training) programs. Often these programs provide tuition assistance. Historically Black Colleges and Universities have some of the strongest ROTC programs in the country.

ACT: Ask your local school officials or school board members about what level of access they are providing to military recruiters. Visit a local recruiter and ask if they feel they are getting appropriate access. The “No Child Left Behind Act” (Public Law 106-398) requires high schools to give recruiters “access to high school students’ names, addresses, and telephone listings and the same access to high school students as is provided to colleges, or to prospective employers of those students.”

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