Although the energy bill Congress recently
passed doesn't address the issue, drilling for oil on the coastal
plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska is
sure to come up in budget discussions. Given the current energy
situation in the United States, as well as our relationship with
overseas oil providers, it's imperative that we find the oil in
ANWR and bring it back.
Both sides have presented their "facts" on the issue, but if one
looks at ANWR's true pluses and minuses, it's obvious that people
in Alaska, as well as those in the Lower 48, would benefit from
extracting these oil reserves.
The current proposal before the House of Representatives would
allow for exploration on 2,000 of the 19 million acres of ANWR.
These do not have to be contiguous and can be connected by
pipelines. However, this acreage is limited to the 1.5-million-acre
coastal plain. Given these numbers, we would "sacrifice" 0.01
percent of the refuge for the benefit of between 5.7 and 16 billion
barrels of oil, according to the Energy Department.
This oil would be pumped south through the existing Trans-Alaskan
Pipeline, which can carry as much oil as we import from the Persian
Gulf every day. Taking the mean estimate of 10.4 billion gallons of
oil in ANWR, opening the area for exploration would allow the
pipeline to pump at full capacity for 24 years, giving the U.S. a
reserve amount that would allow for freedom to supplement our
importation of oil with this supply.
Not only would Americans benefit from this oil in a time of tight
supply and rapidly rising prices, the development will create
between 250,000 and 750,000 jobs. Oil won't start heading south for
five to seven years, but the job creation would begin almost
immediately. Along with these jobs, we could expect more investment
in domestic resources and less money spent on foreign oil. Money
now spent abroad will stay home, benefiting domestic suppliers and
Anytime we consider drilling for oil in a wilderness area,
protection of wildlife must be taken into account. Opponents claim
this development would devastate caribou herds in the area. Yet
evidence from the Prudhoe Bay development shows that the herds have
grown in size since drilling began there nearly 30 years ago. This
is particularly relevant given that ANWR development would occur
along the same coast as Prudhoe Bay and affect much of the same
Similar, if not more, consideration must go to the effects
drilling would have on human inhabitants, particularly -- in this
case -- the Gwich'in Indians and the Inupiat Eskimos. The Gwich'in
oppose the drilling because they claim it will destroy their food
source, and the Inupiat favor it because they see economic
advantage to the entire region. The difference is that the Inupiat
actually live in and around the region to be drilled, and the
Gwich'in live farther south and east, outside of the area
designated for drilling and, in many cases, across the border into
Moreover, the Gwich'in people don't always oppose drilling, not if
there might be a buck in it for them. They signed a release in 1980
giving the Rougeot Oil and Gas Corporation drilling rights to their
lands. They also recently formed a group to explore Canadian lands
for oil.
With wildlife safety ensured, some provisions nevertheless should
be included to preserve the aesthetic value of this Alaskan region.
For example, oil companies should be required to remove their
equipment once a drill site has been declared idle. The physical
costs to the land should last only as long as the benefits derived
from it.
Although certainly not the answer to all of our energy problems,
these reserves will help significantly to alleviate U.S. dependence
on foreign oil. But this project would take time, too much time,
according to opponents who claim we'll have to endure immense costs
before any oil flows our way. However, if President Clinton hadn't
vetoed a bill in 1995 that would've permitted exploration of ANWR,
we'd be reaping the benefits of this domestic production today. The
only costs we're enduring now are the opportunity costs of delaying
use of this resource.
Benjamin Pauluhn, a senior at Furman University in Greeneville,
S.C., is an H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation intern at The
Heritage Foundation (
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