Sometimes, you just have to say enough's enough. Rep. Joe
Barton, (R-Tex.), recently reached that point--over the Iraq
Oil-for-Food scandal.
My Heritage Foundation colleague, Nile Gardiner, has described it
as "potentially the biggest scandal in the history of the United
Nations" as well as "one of the greatest financial scandals of
modern times." The New York Times called it "an open bazaar of
payoffs, favoritism and kickbacks." The General Accounting Office
estimated Saddam siphoned $10 billion from the U.N.-administered
humanitarian program and diverted it to numerous illicit endeavors,
including a systematic campaign to undermine UN sanctions on Iraq
and allied support for President Bush's efforts to win UN approval
of his campaign to depose Saddam.
Numerous French and Russian officials, including the former French
interior minister and the former French ambassador to the United
Nations, have been implicated. The revelations of the numerous
financial links between Moscow, Paris and Baghdad prior to the
regime change in Iraq, Gardiner notes, "may well have been an
important factor in influencing their governments' decision to
oppose the efforts to remove Saddam Hussein from power."
If proven true, the allegations of bribery and illegal weapons
sales call into question the integrity and independence of the
United Nations and suggest that French, German and Russian
opposition to President Bush's efforts stemmed from greed, not
high-minded geo-strategic or moral considerations.
The UN appointed former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul
Volcker to head a lavishly funded $30 million "independent"
commission to investigate the scandal. The commission, however,
lacks rudimentary investigative tools such as subpoena power and
the authority to compel UN member states to cooperate. Until last
week, close observers were resigned to seeing the perpetrators of
this outrage escape responsibility for their crimes thanks to the
intransigence of the French, among others, and the determination of
UN bureaucrats, including possibly Secretary General Kofi Annan
himself, to hamstring Volcker's commission.
That's when Barton, now chairman of the House Energy and Commerce
Committee, returned from an eye-opening trip to Iraq and announced
he would thoroughly investigate the scandal. Shortly thereafter, he
sent two blistering letters to Kofi Annan and French President
Jacques Chirac seeking their cooperation in his efforts to get at
the truth.
Barton's letter to Chirac minced no words. Relying on the
underreported findings of the report by Central Intelligence Agency
Special Advisor Charles Duelfer, Barton painted a picture of a
France compromised by its financial dealings with pre-liberated
Iraq. Saddam's regime engaged in a "concerted effort to undermine
sanctions by awarding lucrative oil and goods contracts to
companies and politicians of several Security Council members,
including France." Barton reminded Chirac that Iraq's former Deputy
Prime Minister, Tariq Aziz, claimed to have awarded substantial oil
allotments to several French individuals and that the recipients
"understood that resale of the oil was to be reciprocated through
efforts to lift UN sanctions, or through opposition to American
initiatives within the Security Council."
Barton also pointed Chirac to recovered documents from the Iraqi
Intelligence Service describing a May 2002 meeting between a member
of Saddam's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a member of the French
parliament. During this meeting, the French politician "assured the
Iraqi that France would use its veto in the [Security Council]
against any American decision to attack Iraq."
As if these revelations of bribery weren't enough, Barton also
appears determined to examine sales of illegal weapon systems by
French firms to Iraq during the sanctions period. Perhaps the most
profoundly disturbing allegation raised in the Duelfer Report, also
cited by Barton, is that French companies negotiated with Saddam's
buyers over the sale of "possible WMD [Weapons of Mass
Destruction]-related laboratories."
Three other congressional committees have held hearings on the
Oil-for-Food scandal and at least one has launched an
Admittedly, the odds of the French cooperating meaningfully with
Barton are next to nil.
At a minimum, though, the congressional Oil-for-Food
investigations promise to cast a new light on the sordid motives
behind the stubborn international support for Saddam's equally
sordid regime. With motives such as these, no Kerry-esque
diplomatic charm offensive could have trumped the billions of
tainted Oil-for-Food dollars.
Pence to Chair Republican Study Committee:
Washington insiders took notice recently when the increasingly
influential Republican Study Committee selected Indiana Republican
Mike Pence to lead them in the upcoming 100th Congress. The
selection of Pence and comments from other RSC members sent clear
signals that House conservatives will play a more forceful role
next year. Pence relinquished his position in the whip organization
to focus more completely on his RSC duties. He also convinced the
three senior House members vying to be the next chairman of the
House Appropriations Committee to agree to unprecedented "job
interviews" with RSC members concerned over the dramatic rise in
federal spending.
Florida Republican Tom Feeney, an active RSC member, predicted
conservatives would be more inclined to stand on principle next
year. "We have to … let people know we haven't abandoned the
principles of Ronald Reagan," he said. "When push comes to shove,
conservatives are becoming more willing to say 'You'll have to get
to 218 [votes] without us.'"
Mr. Franc, who has held a number of positions on Capitol Hill,
is vice president of Government Relations at The Heritage
First appeared in Human Events