"We would like to take a moment," the editors of the Wall Street
Journal wrote recently, "to pause and marvel at the U.S. economy."
They cited a litany of truly positive economic achievements: More
Americans are employed today then ever before, we enjoy one of the
lowest rates of unemployment (5%) among developed nations, and the
American economy has created 40 million new jobs over the last two
decades, twice that of Europe and Japan combined.
Indeed, the New York Times characterized the July labor report as
"robust" and cited the continued "brisk growth" of consumer
spending, rising factory orders amid declining inventories
(suggesting that further gains are on the way), and the remarkable
13 consecutive quarters of double-digit growth in aggregate
corporate earnings. The Pentagon even "blames" our vibrant economy
for the recent falloff in military recruiting.
Opinion polls, however, indicate that few Americans are marveling
at our unrivaled prosperity. A majority disapprove of the
President's handling of the economy. Most tellingly, they describe
the economy as either stagnant or getting worse.
Liberals leave no stone unturned to further this false impression.
In a recent report, for example, former Clinton pollster Stanley
Greenberg paints a picture of the economy so grim it resembles the
Carter era, with "employment concerns, stagnant wages, rising
prices, and the crushing cost of health care seemingly hanging over
every aspect of [most Americans'] lives."
Little wonder, then, that President Bush staged a series of events
early this month designed to remind voters not only that our
economy is strong, but that the onset of this surge coincided with
the enactment of his pro-growth 2003 tax cuts.
On the positive side, he urged Congress to make the tax cuts-which
expire gradually between now and 2011-permanent. Doing so would be
an enormous achievement, but, alas, it appears beyond the reach of
this Congress. (Less convincing was the President's claim that the
bloated federal highway and energy bills will make our economy more
efficient and lead to the creation of hundreds of thousands of new
It does appear, though, that Congress is close to permanently
repealing one of our most economically stifling taxes-the death
tax. The House has already done so. When Congress returns from its
summer recess, Sen. Jon Kyl (R.-Ariz.)will lead an effort to beat
back a Democratic filibuster and secure a vote on the House-passed
bill. Heritage Foundation economists estimate that this tax
directly undermines job creation and wage growth and causes between
170,000 and 250,000 potential jobs to be lost each year. Vote
counters believe that Kyl has moved to within one or two votes of
the magic 60 needed to end a filibuster.
Then, in late September, the President's tax commission will
release a report expected to recommend myriad ways to transform the
impenetrable U.S. tax code into a simpler and fairer one that
maximizes economic growth. Conservative tax experts hope the report
will spark a tax-reform debate that leads to far-reaching
legislation next year.
What Really Matters
Democracy Corps, the political advocacy group founded by Stanley
Greenberg, former Clinton adviser James Carville and leading
Democratic campaign operative Bob Shrum, recently conducted a
series of focus groups with rural voters in Wisconsin and Arkansas
and "disaffected Bush voters" in Kentucky and Colorado.
Their findings have given Democratic strategists pause. Even
though "most voters in these [focus] groups were tremendously upset
over the current direction of the country and saw little difference
between Democrats and Republicans in Washington," one distinction
"severely limits the potential for Democratic gains."
Among non-college voters, "cultural issues not only superseded
other priorities, they served as a proxy for many voters on those
other issues." According to Greenberg, most of these voters
expressed little understanding of the differences between
Republicans and Democrats on most policy issues. But "they felt it
safe to assume that if a candidate was 'right' on cultural
issues-i.e., opposed to abortion, but most importantly opposed to
gay marriage and vocal about defending the role of faith and
traditional Judeo-Christian values in public life-that candidate
would naturally also come closest to their views on these other
So will Democratic lawmakers begin to distance themselves from the
cultural liberal elites in Hollywood, the National Organization for
Women and People For the American Way, whose policy dictates have
so disabled them in national elections?
Mike Franc, who
has held a number of positions on Capitol Hill, is vice president
of Government Relations at The Heritage Foundation.
First appeared in Human Events