Mass Ave Episode 110: Understanding Trumpism

COMMENTARY Conservatism

Mass Ave Episode 110: Understanding Trumpism

Jun 19, 2017 1 min read

Commentary By

Tommy Binion

Former Vice President, Government Relations

Daniel Davis @JDaniel_Davis

Former Commentary Editor for The Daily Signal

Emily VanderBush

Former Communications Manager

The Robert H. Bruce Studio The Heritage Foundation

This week…

  • Are Trumpism and conservatism hostile to one another, or could they be allied forces? David Azerrad, Director of the Center for Principles & Politics, thinks the two have lessons to teach the other. Trumpism, which, rather than embodying white nationalism, emphasizes the well-being of the American people, can induce a first principles-driven conservatism to connect ideas to interest.

  • Mike Gonzalez, Senior Fellow at the Davis Institute for National Security & Foreign Policy, encourages the world to unite in placing embargoes on the Cuban government and helping bring news access to the Cuban people. For the United States’ part, Trump’s narrowly-targeted restrictions demand something of Cuba’s military dictators and could prompt action.

For some background…

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