100 Down, 265 To Go: First Milestone on President Trump’s First Year

Event Conservatism
Event Conservatism

April 26, 2017 100 Down, 265 To Go: First Milestone on President Trump’s First Year

Co-hosted by The University of Virginia's Miller Center

Wednesday, Apr 26, 2017

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

The Heritage Foundation

214 Massachusetts AVenue, NE
Washington, DC


10:00 a.m. – President Trump as Chief Executive

Susan E. Dudley, Director, The George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center, and Distinguished Professor of Practice, Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration

Eric Edelman, Former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, George W. Bush Administration, and Senior Fellow, The Miller Center

Lee Edwards, Distinguished Fellow in Conservative thought, The Heritage Foundation

Mike Nelson, Fulmer Professor of Political Science, Rhodes College, and Senior Fellow, The Miller Center

Paul Larkin, Senior Legal Research Fellow, Edwin Meese III Center for Legal & Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation – Moderator


11:30 a.m. – The President and Congress

Tommy Binion, Director, Congressional and Executive Branch Relations, The Heritage Foundation

Guian McKee, Associate Professor in Presidential Studies, The Miller Center

Dan Meyer, President, The Duberstein Group, and former Assistant and Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, George W. Bush Administration

Barbara Perry, Director of Presidential Studies, The Miller Center – Moderator


The first 100 days of a President’s term – the time at which his power and influence are historically deemed to be their greatest – are often looked to as a measure of a President’s ultimate success and future effectiveness while in office.  As President Trump approaches this milestone (April 29), The Miller Center and The Heritage Foundation will hold a half-day conference examining two key aspects of his first 100 days – President Trump’s role as Chief Executive and the relationship between The President and Congress. 

Scholars and practitioners will provide a retrospective of the Administration’s activities to date as well as offer potential insights into the remaining 265 days of the first year of the Trump Presidency.  Are there historic parallels to previous Presidents’ first 100 days?  Is our constitutional government functioning as designed?  Have Americans come to expect too much of their elected officials?  Are early patterns any guide to foretelling future achievement or defeat?  Join us for a candid, informative and wide-ranging assessment of President Trump’s first 100 days.