Critical Race Theory
Facts, Issues, and Solutions
Critical race theory (CRT) makes race the prism through which its proponents analyze all aspects of American life, categorizing individuals into groups of oppressors and victims. It is a philosophy that is infecting everything from politics and education to the workplace and the military.
General Information:
- Coalition Calls on States to Increase Transparency, End Critical Race Theory in Schools
- Critical Race Theory Legislation Tracker
- How to Identify Critical Race Theory
- Virtual Event: The New Intolerance: Critical Race Theory and Its Grip on America
- Report: Critical Race Theory, the New Intolerance, and Its Grip on America
- Critical Race Theory Would Not Solve Racial Inequality: It Would Deepen It
- The Biden Administration’s Pursuit of Unequal Treatment
Request our latest eBook CRT: Knowing It When You See It and Fighting It When You Can
View the Critical Race Theory Legislation Tracker to see what's happening in your state.
View the model bill for states working to reject CRT here.
Affected Institutions
- To Tackle Critical Theory in the K–12 Classroom, Start with Colleges of Education
- The Movement Against Critical Race Theory Is Deeply Necessary
- Schools Use “Equity” as Trojan Horse for Toxic Critical Race Theory
- Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? Here Are 5 Things to Ask About
- Stop Gaslighting Parents on Critical Race Theory
1. Find out what your schools teach. Submit a FOIA request to gain access to public documents, including school board and school district materials. If requested, the government is required to hand over the records via “open records laws” and “sunshine laws.” Learn more here.
2. Speak to your child’s teacher and principal and share with them Heritage’s analysis showing that treating students in the manners described above violates several statutes, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 14th Amendment.
3. Engage with your local school board. More than 14,000 school boards and 100,000 school board members across the country determine the shape and content of curriculum in their school districts, holding the key to how these various issues are addressed in American classrooms.
- Identify local school board meetings to attend throughout the year (these typically occur monthly during the school year).
- Stay abreast of board activities by reading meeting minutes (usually posted online after the meeting).
- Locate school district budget documents and draft questions about spending on CRT/DEI-related activities, training, and personnel.
- Look up the local school board’s mission statement and become familiar with assigned textbooks.
- Become involved in the school’s Parent Teacher Association/Organization (PTA/PTO).
- Set up a parent group on Facebook or other social media for families in the local school community.
4. Become a whistleblower. You can submit documentation of CRT training at your school or workplace to Parents Defending Education, activist Christopher Rufo, or The Daily Signal.
- Seven Steps to Combatting “Critical Theory” in the Classroom
- Protecting K–12 Students from Discrimination
- Rescuing Math and Science from Critical Race Theory’s Racial Discrimination
- Florida Makes Sure Schools Teach Evils of Communism, Totalitarianism
- Heritage Explains: Critical Race Theory in the Military
- Identity Politics and Critical Race Theory Have No Place in U.S. Military
- Critical Race Theory Will Destroy Our Military
Additional Resources
- Free to Learn Coalition Wants to Take Politics Out of Classroom
- Arizona Governor Signs Bill Banning Critical Race Theory in Government
- I Read Robin DiAngelo’s New Book on “Nice Racism.” Here Are 3 Takeaways.
- A Pastor’s Prescription for Overcoming Victim Mentality
- Want to Put the Pressure on Woke Big Businesses? This Organization Has Advice
- Meet Every Black Life Matters, an Alternative to BLM