Civics Lessons and Resources

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Civics Lessons and Resources

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PragerU Kids (Free)

PragerU Kids is the leading network with educational, entertaining, pro-American kids shows for every grade.

Americana Corner (Free)

From the American Revolution to the settlement of the American West, from the Declaration of Independence to the Emancipation Proclamation, and from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln, Americana Corner contains positive stories of the great events, founding documents, and inspirational leaders who helped create and shape our country.

Cato Home Study Course (Free)

The Cato Institute has created this self-paced study course on the historical, philosophical, economic, legal, and moral foundations of individual liberty and limited government. 

Federalist Society – YouTube (Free)

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies maintains a YouTube page with videos on law, the U.S. Constitution, and political philosophy. Principles which it defends include liberty, the separation of powers, and an Originalist interpretation of the Constitution.

Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues (Free) 

The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues offers a series of resources for educators and students. They have developed programs for both primary and secondary students. Their lessons focus on instilling character and virtue.

Preparing for the Oath (Free)

This website presents videos and activities from the Smithsonian Institution and a study guide for the civics portion of the 2008 U.S. Naturalization test. 

SCOTUSblog (9-12) (Free)

This blog provides non-partisan coverage of U.S. Supreme Court cases. A good resource for any educator or student who wants real-time updates and analysis of court decisions.

National Archives (Adult) (Free)

The national archives are a great resource to research and learn about history, genealogy, and the U.S. government.

Statistics in Schools (K-12) (Free)

Statistics in Schools uses real Census Bureau statistics to create materials for lessons in math, English, geography, and sociology. Many of its lessons are applicable to civics education such as their Constitution Day activities.

Kids in the House (K-12) (Free)

This website is a public service provided by the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives. Their goal is to provide information about the legislative branch that is both educational and fun. They teach lessons on the role of the U.S. House of Representatives and, the legislative process, and its history.

Center for Civic Education (K-12) (Free)

This organization seeks to develop an understanding of the institutions and principles of constitutional democracy among teachers, students, and the general public. They provide eBooks, lesson plans and webinars on civic education.

Constitution Center: Interactive Constitution (9-12)(Free)

This resource provides an annotated, interactive version of the US Constitution and its Amendments. Each major clause of the Constitution includes an essay from the Federalist Society explaining originalist or conservative interpretations of the Constitution, and essay from the American Constitution Society explaining a more liberal approach, and a joint essay by scholars from both groups, establishing common ground regarding the Constitution’s meaning. 

Civic Online Reasoning Curriculum (5-8) (Free w/Subscription)

A product of the Stanford History Education Group, this website features a set of lessons teaching kids about the importance of double-checking claims they see on Wikipedia, Twitter, etc., including distinctions between lateral and vertical research. 

Civic Literacy Curriculum Learning Resources (9-12) (Free)

Arizona State University’s Center for Political Thought and Leadership has designed this resource based on the US Naturalization Test. It includes seven units on topics like the Principles of American Government and Recent American History, each with flashcards and a cumulative quiz. There is also a final test on all seven sections that is 100 questions long. 

1776 Unites Curriculum

This free curriculum provides history and civics lessons online. Currently three lessons are available that focus on excellence in Black History. More lessons will be added monthly for grades K-8. Each lesson has lesson plans, assignments, discussion questions, multimedia, and other resources. 

Jack Miller Center Video Series on the Declaration of Independence

In this short video series, students can learn about what the Founders meant by equality, liberty, and the role the Declaration of Independence played during the Civil War.

Jack Miller Center’s Online Learning Center

JMC offers various lectures, primary online sources, access to the 1st Amendment Library, and more for free online. 

Collaborative Curriculum: Bill of Rights

This is a comprehensive civics curriculum available online for free. The curriculum walks students through the Bill of Rights and couches the discussion in its philosophic and historical context. 

The National Constitution Center

The Center is providing an 8 week online course about the constitution for middle and high school students. The daily interactive lectures are available online for free.

Free Enterprise Now

This online curriculum guide provides five video lessons on free enterprise. Student can engage in essay or discussion questions provided in the curriculum guide after watching the videos. The website also provides various other resources.

Ashbrook Center

The Ashbrook Center seeks to restore and strengthen the capacities of the American people for constitutional self-government. Ashbrook teaches students and teachers across our country what America is and what she represents in the long history of the world. 

Connor Boyack’s, the Tuttle Twins Children’s Book Series ($90)
Great for teaching children, homeschooling, and learning the foundations of a variety of topics like economics, business, teamwork, and more! Perfect introduction to the constitution, freedom, laws, liberty, and financial practices.

Heritage Foundation: First Principles Series

Reading the Right Books: A Guide for the Intelligent Conservative by Lee Edwards

How to Read the Federalist Papers by Anthony Peacock

Why States: The Challenge to Federalism by Eugene W. Hickok

Religious Liberty in the American Republic by Gerard V. Bradley

The Book of Virtues by William J Bennett

Declaration of Statesmanship: A Couse in American Government by Richard Ferrier Ph.D. and Andrew Seeley Ph.D.

The Bill of Rights Institute

The Institute has a wealth of history curriculum resources.