War, ever destructive,
also spurs creativity. The high stakes involved spark technical as
well as tactical innovation.
Technology advances change the face of war. The siege wars of the
ancients, the trench warfare of the early 20th century are wholly
outmoded due to advanced technology that allows today's battles to
be fought at great distances.
That's an advantage for Hezbollah terrorists. They can fire their
rockets into Israel, then quickly disperse, making it difficult if
not impossible for Israel to effectively return fire. The accuracy
of the attack is not an issue, as terrorists don't care what-or
who-they hit.
How can the Israeli Defense Force defend against such attacks?
Human creativity has an answer: Directed Energy Weapons.
DEWs represent a watershed change in military assets. They could
play a vital role on battlefields in the Middle East and elsewhere
in the next year or so -- but only if Congress takes the program
off the shelf.
Some types of DEWs are limited only by the amount of energy they
can tap. An energy weapon hooked up to a power plant, for example,
could deliver shot, after powerful shot, for as long as the plant
keeps generating power.
DEWs enjoy another major advantage over conventional ordinance:
accuracy. Soldiers firing conventional weapons must take into
account factors such as gravity, wind resistance, drag and time
delay when targeting. Not so with lasers and other DEW. They aren't
affected by gravity. Because they travel at or near the speed of
light, a soldier can just "point and shoot."
Of course, that advantage is also a drawback. Directed energy
weapons are direct line-of-sight weapons. To overcome this
limitation, the military is trying to develop a series of
reflective mirrors to bounce DEW shots to targets outside a direct
line-of-sight. This program would benefit from battlefield
The United States has had the technology to produce directed energy
weapons for quite some time. In fact, these systems have already
passed critical tests. At the White Sands Missile Range, for
example, the Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) system successfully
intercepted 46 Katyusha rockets-the very weapon Hezbollah fires
daily into Israel. The system also worked against artillery and
mortar projectiles in single, multiple and surprise
Unfortunately, DEWs need huge amounts of power, so they aren't very
mobile. That's a key reason the U.S. pulled the plug on THEL, which
had been a joint U.S.-Israeli project.
This is the moment where need and opportunity intersect. Israel
needs weapons that can defend its civilians from terrorist shells
and rockets, and DEWs can do that. At the same time, the United
States needs to test new weapons systems under real-world
conditions. Putting a system in the field now will help Israel and
provide invaluable operational experience on how to use and further
improve these systems.
For the U.S. to retain battlefield dominance, we must develop and
deploy the next generation of weapons -- before our enemies
Congress should swiftly provide emergency supplemental funding to
rush THEL into production, and the administration should direct the
Army to accelerate the program as rapidly as possible. It should
prove a great leap forward for defensive fighting -- and human
Carafano is senior fellow at The
Heritage Foundation and co-author of "Winning the Long War: Lessons
from the Cold War for Defeating Terrorism and Preserving
Freedom." Andrew Berman is working as an H.N. and Frances C.
Berger Foundation Intern at Heritage this summer.
First appeared in FoxNews.com