June 10, 2020 WEBINAR: Army Aviation: Future Vertical Lift
For two years, Army leaders have flagged the need to modernize the force as the service’s top priority.
Wednesday, Jun 10, 2020
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Moderated by
For two years, Army leaders have flagged the need to modernize the force as the service’s top priority. Near the top of the to-do list is improving Army aviation capabilities—increasing their operational reach and effectiveness against near-peer competitors. Charged with the daily oversight of this critical effort are the Army’s Future Vertical Lift Cross Functional Team (FVL-CFT) and Program Executive Office, Aviation (PEO AVN). Despite the difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, aviation modernization efforts like the Future Long-Range Assault (FLRAA) and Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) programs are on track. But what are the potential risks to their success? What is the role of Army aviation in future warfare? Is Army aviation survivable in the near peer fight?
You won’t want to miss this engaging webinar to hear answers to these questions and to pose questions of your own to the key leaders involved in the effort.
COMMENTARY 3 min read
BACKGROUNDER 15 min read
ISSUE BRIEF 14 min read