July 16, 2020 VIRTUAL EVENT: National Education Survey Results: Values-Based Education and the Success Sequence
Part II of Heritage’s “Education in America” Series

Thursday, July 16, 2020
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Hosted by
What do parents and school board members think about curriculum that gets to the very heart of character and values? For example, should schools explicitly teach that graduating high school, getting a job, and getting married before having children will make them more likely to avoid poverty, as research has demonstrated? What about classical education, which addresses the essential questions of what it means to be a human being? What do they think of growing "restorative justice" practices, which use meetings between victims and offenders instead of punishments? The Heritage Foundation recently commissioned a nationally representative survey of parents across the country, along with a corresponding survey of school board members, to gauge their attitudes toward these approaches to values-based education.
Join us on Thursday, July 16th for Part II of our Education in America series, as we release the results and discuss the implications for schools and families.
COMMENTARY 3 min read
BACKGROUNDER 18 min read
COMMENTARY 2 min read