Addressing the Achievement Gap for Foster Children
April 28, 2006
Opponents of school choice excel at finding reasons to deny
disadvantaged children expanded educational opportunities. But even
the fiercest partisan may shy from blocking the latest school
choice proposal.
Arizona lawmakers have proposed an opportunity scholarship program
for the state's 7,000 or so foster children. The plan would offer
$5,000 scholarships to children in foster care to attend a school
selected by their guardians. The measure passed the Arizona House
of Representatives last week and awaits consideration in the
This targeted school choice plan would benefit some of the most
at-risk children in Arizona. Adults formerly in foster care are
more likely to be homeless, incarcerated, and dependent on state
services. They're also more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol and
to have poor physical and mental health. Girls in foster care are
more likely to have early pregnancies and see their own children
enter the foster system.
Early warning signs of these problems are found in the classroom,
where foster children lag behind their peers. The National
Conference of State Legislatures reports that foster children
exhibit "high rates of grade retention, lower scores on
standardized tests; and higher absenteeism, tardiness, truancy and
dropout rates." The American School Board Journal reports that
"foster children often repeat a grade and are twice as likely as
the rest of the population to drop out before graduation."
Too often, schools are part of the problem. Low expectations at
school play a role. One survey of older youth in foster care
conducted found that foster children "have high educational
aspirations" and "resent the fact that more is not expected of
Another problem is instability. About half of all foster children
spend at least one year in the foster system, and 20 percent remain
there for more than three years. Frequent out-of-home placements
lead to regular school transfers, learning disruptions, and
emotional insecurity. One survey of adults formerly in foster case
found that they "strongly believed they had been shifted around too
much while in care, and as a result, they suffered, especially in
terms of education."
The U.S. Department of Education estimates that students lose 4 to
6 months of progress each time they transfer to a different school.
Not surprisingly, researchers studying foster children's
educational attainment have found that frequent school transfers
cause serious setbacks. No less devastating, school transfers mean
breaking off friendships with fellow students-relationships that
are critical to children without strong family ties.
As a response to these problems, scholarships make a lot of sense.
For a foster child, a scholarship could provide critical stability,
allowing him or her to stay in the same school even when switching
homes. And a scholarship could provide access to a better learning
environment than may be available in the local public school.
Research of existing school choice programs suggests that students
benefit from the new options that choice allows. School choice
leads to higher family satisfaction, improved academic achievement,
and higher rates of parental involvement. According to Jay Greene
of the University of Arkansas, students in the Milwaukee voucher
program are about twice as likely to graduate from high school as
their public school peers. Dozens of studies confirm that school
choice benefits participating children.
With so much upside, what's the risk of a new voucher program for
foster children? Critics will find it hard to come up with a
downside: Arizona's scholarship program for foster children would
be voluntary. Children who are happy with their current schools
would not be affected. The program would just provide new options
for some of the state's most vulnerable children who are ill served
by the current system. The strange politics of education aside,
this seems uncontroversial-or at least, it should be.
Potential critics should remember that foster children are charges
of the state, relying on the state for opportunities their families
could not offer. And for too long, state directed education has
failed them. After decades of learning what doesn't work in foster
child education, Arizona is poised to try a new approach. Do
anti-choice stalwarts really want to stand in the way of that?
Dan Lips is Education Analyst at the Heritage Foundation,