Election Integrity


Election Integrity

The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic civil right, one on which many of the other rights of the American people depend. 


Learn more about policies that safeguard elections, ensuring every vote counts with Solutions.


View the Election Integrity Scorecard

View the Election Fraud Database

Watch Americas Biggest Issues: Election Integrity


It's Time for Truth in Voting

Feb 23, 1994 40 min read


H.R.3: Campaign Reform For Incumbents Only Brian Harte

Nov 18, 1993 6 min read


Advantage Incumbents: Clinton's Campaign Finance Proposal David M. Mason, Steven Schwalm

Jun 11, 1993 34 min read


A Campaign Finance "Reform" That Protects Incumbents Andrew J. Cowin

Sep 7, 1990 4 min read


A Conservative Agenda for Comprehensive Campaign Reform Andrew J. Cowin

Jan 22, 1990 23 min read


How Moscow Meddles in the West's Elections Manfred R.

Jul 24, 1984 19 min read


The Voting Rights Act Richard ; Kruger

Feb 23, 1982 1 min read