April 4, 2018 On the Path to Prosperity: Economic Reform in Lithuania
Since 1999 Lithuania’s economic freedom has advanced by an impressive 22%, making its economy the world’s 19th freest in The Heritage Foundation’s 2018 Index of Economic Freedom.
Wednesday, Apr 4, 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Heritage Foundation
Hosted by

Slashing tax rates! Removing regulatory hurdles! Promoting entrepreneurship! Washington policymakers are just rediscovering this proven recipe for economic success. However, Lithuania has been pursuing such pro-growth policies for two decades. Since 1999 Lithuania’s economic freedom has advanced by an impressive 22%, making its economy the world’s 19th freest in The Heritage Foundation’s 2018 Index of Economic Freedom. That places it squarely on the path to higher growth and increased prosperity. What is driving Lithuania’s advance? How are leading Lithuanian policymakers fostering economic freedom and installing a business-friendly environment? Join us for a timely discussion of the policy reforms driving remarkable progress in Lithuania.
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