January 28, 2019 The Inequality of the Equality Act: Concerns from the Left
Who could be against a law that promises equality and bans discrimination?
Monday, Jan 28, 2019
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation

Hosted by
Who could be against a law that promises equality and bans discrimination? Parents who’ve already experienced grief, despair, and witnessed medical harms as they attempted to get help for their gender-confused children. Medical experts concerned about how adding "gender identity" into civil rights law would cause physical and psychological harm. People who have transitioned, and then detransitioned, concerned with what this ideology will do to children. Lesbians who have been punished for having the audacity to say that men are not women. Radical feminists concerned that nearly all sex-segregated spaces, colleges, sports, dormitories, and women's rights in general will disappear if “gender identity” becomes a protected class and the dangers this poses to women and girls.
Please join us for a panel discussion featuring speakers from the political left as they share their stories of the harmful consequences of what will happen if "gender identity" ideology is enshrined into U.S. civil rights law.
Julia Beck is a writer and organizer from Baltimore, Maryland. She helps produce a monthly radio broadcast for Women's Liberation Radio News. Last year, she represented lesbians at Baltimore Pride and on the Law and Policy Committee of Baltimore City's LGBTQ Commission.
Jennifer Chavez is a feminist, secularist, lawyer, and mother. She has served on the board of the Women's Liberation Front (WoLF) for the last two years, where she helps coordinate its legal and policy strategies. She is also an inaugural member of the DC-MD-VA chapter of WoLF.
Kara Dansky is a Board Member of the Women's Liberation Front (WoLF), the radical feminist organization that filed a lawsuit against the Obama Administration to restore Title IX rights to women and girls, and that continues to fight against the replacement of "sex" to mean "gender identity" under Title IX and the Constitution. She helps coordinates WoLF's legal and policy strategies.
Hacsi Horvath is an expert in systematic review methods, assessing bias in research studies and evaluating the certainty of evidence across studies in a given body of scientific literature. He is an adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco. Horvath formerly identified as transgender and presented as a woman for more than a dozen years.
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