April 5, 2017 The U.S.-Canadian Relationship: Issues to Watch
The United States and Canada closely collaborate every day on critical economic and security issues.
Wednesday, Apr 5, 2017
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation
Followed by a Discussion with
Moderated by

The United States and Canada closely collaborate every day on critical economic and security issues. Together we face serious bilateral border challenges – as well as many opportunities – in a changing political climate. One of the most popular elected officials in Canada, Premier Brad Wall, has been a longtime leading conservative voice, fighting against his country’s national carbon tax, and for smart, fiscally-responsible economic, energy and trade policy.
Join us as Premier Wall addresses these and other vital issues at a time when trade agreements like NAFTA have our relationships and agreements with our closest friends and neighbors in the spotlight and the substance of our dialogue is more important than ever.
COMMENTARY 2 min read
COMMENTARY 2 min read
COMMENTARY 3 min read