Global Politics


Global Politics

America needs international institutions, alliances, and a multilateral diplomacy worthy of a great power that is dedicated to the advancement of freedom and security.


Learn more about policies to protect U.S. interests globally with Solutions and Mandate for Leadership.


Find everything you need to know about America’s work with international organizations here.


Yet Again, China's Trade Status Should Be Renewed Andrew B. Brick

May 12, 1992 5 min read


Recognizing the Obvious, Bush Should Declare The ABM Treaty Dead Baker Spring

Feb 5, 1992 5 min read


From a Distance: Influencing Foreign Policy from Philadelphia The Right Honerable Margaret

Sep 22, 1991 16 min read


Removing the Stain of the United Nations' "Zionism Is Racism" Resolution Christopher M. Gacek

Sep 12, 1991 24 min read


How to Reinvigorate America's Alliance with Australia and New Zealand Richard D. Fisher

Jul 15, 1991 23 min read


Areas for U.S. -Soviet Cooperation at the United Nations Christopher M. Gacek

May 24, 1991 17 min read


Inspector General Finds Many AID Projects Wasteful Failures Bryan T. Johnson

May 6, 1991 5 min read