Global Politics


Global Politics

America needs international institutions, alliances, and a multilateral diplomacy worthy of a great power that is dedicated to the advancement of freedom and security.


Learn more about policies to protect U.S. interests globally with Solutions and Mandate for Leadership.


Find everything you need to know about America’s work with international organizations here.


The Wayward U.N.: A Digest of Heritage Studies Melanie L.

Jul 20, 1983 16 min read


Blinking at the Law, The State Department Helps the PLO Juliana Geran

Apr 19, 1983 3 min read


Americans at the U.N.: An Endangered Species Juliana Geran

Feb 14, 1983 26 min read


New Gag Rules for the House Stuart M.

Jan 3, 1983 3 min read


Policy Review #23 - Winter 1983 Stuart M.

Jan 1, 1983 1 min read


What Does the U.N. Have Against Israel? Juliana Geran

Oct 21, 1982 3 min read


At the U.N. , A Mounting War on Patents Roger A.

Oct 4, 1982 8 min read


Policy Review #22 - Fall 1982 Roger A.

Oct 1, 1982 1 min read