Others see darker forces at work. They trace the scandals to the
deregulation campaign the Reagan administration waged in the 1980s
and a Republican congress pursued in the 1990s. Unmoored from the
steadying hand of government, we're told, these companies started
playing fast and loose with the books.
Wrong. The accounting industry never was deregulated -- for the
simple reason that the federal government never directly regulated
it in the first place.
That hasn't stopped some, such as Robert Borosage of the
Campaign for America's Future, from rewriting history. In a
Washington Post op-ed, he pins blame on a bill Congress passed in
1995 that "shielded outside accountants from liability for false
corporate reporting and made it more difficult for shareholders to
bring suit against fraudulent reporting."
A WorldCom account couldn't have made a bigger misstatement. In
fact, the bill attempted to toughen reporting standards by
requiring auditors to inform the Securities and Exchanges
Commission of any illegal acts they uncover. And the "suits" it
targeted were the infamous "greenmail" ones, in which an individual
would buy a large number of shares in a company, then threaten to
lodge costly nuisance litigation unless the company agreed to
repurchase his shares at an exorbitant price.
In fact, these scandals were spawned by two larger societal
trends. One is an overall laxness in ethical standards that crept
into the corporate culture. People in positions of authority were
unwilling to look rule-benders in the eye and say: "That's
The second is the bottom-line mentality that flowered in the
boom '90s. People who focused only on quarterly earnings made money
easily in an up market but found the sledding tough in a down
market. When things started cooling off -- and they were being
pressured to show the kind of gains registered earlier -- they
found "creative" ways to make their quarterly reports look as
impressive as clamoring stock-holders expected. And they kept doing
it quarter after quarter.
Since the culprit here is values, new regulations won't do the
trick. Indeed, the quasi-government agency some federal lawmakers
are trying to create to police the accounting industry would do
little to prevent wrongdoing -- and could encourage companies to
indulge in even more questionable bookkeeping.
Sure, it's a tough-sounding proposal, and it would satisfy the
understandably high level of outrage these scandals have generated.
But it would take industry lawyers about 10 minutes to discover
loopholes in the strict laws and explicit requirements the agency
spent months writing.
Consider how Enron first got into trouble. To reduce its
liabilities, it created "limited partnerships" so that the company
could shift assets and boost profits, at least on paper. Such an
action may skate the edge of legality, but it didn't violate the
letter of the law -- and it's the kind of behavior that's bound to
increase if a new agency is handing down detailed rules that can be
flouted with ease.
The Senate Banking Committee recently approved legislation
proposing a new government agency that would police the accounting
industry. A better solution can be found in a bill the House passed
in April. It would set up privately organized entities that would
review audits and auditors and take disciplinary actions when
necessary -- actions that would be reported to the SEC, which could
have corporate crooks thrown in jail.
These private groups would be able to respond quickly to changes
in the accounting industry and would be far more flexible than a
government agency. Since they don't have to follow a cumbersome
federal process, they can revise their standards faster and make it
less tempting for companies to play games with their books and
hoodwink investors.
The goal shouldn't be so much to chastise the industry --
however justifiable that be -- but to provide the public with
accurate financial information.
That's where the Senate bill falls short. It would lock future audits into a straitjacket of government regulations that may well increase the likelihood of future problems. The flexible approach the House has proposed, along with criminal prosecution of willful violations, would do a better job of encouraging companies to keep reliable books and restoring public confidence in the market.
David John, a
former vice president with New York's Chase Manhattan bank, is a
research fellow at The Heritage Foundation
Others see darker forces at work. They trace the scandals to the
deregulation campaign the Reagan administration waged in the 1980s
and a Republican congress pursued in the 1990s. Unmoored from the
steadying hand of government, we're told, these companies started
playing fast and loose with the books.
Wrong. The accounting industry never was deregulated -- for the
simple reason that the federal government never directly regulated
it in the first place.
That hasn't stopped some, such as Robert Borosage of the
Campaign for America's Future, from rewriting history. In a
Washington Post op-ed, he pins blame on a bill Congress passed in
1995 that "shielded outside accountants from liability for false
corporate reporting and made it more difficult for shareholders to
bring suit against fraudulent reporting."
A WorldCom account couldn't have made a bigger misstatement. In
fact, the bill attempted to toughen reporting standards by
requiring auditors to inform the Securities and Exchanges
Commission of any illegal acts they uncover. And the "suits" it
targeted were the infamous "greenmail" ones, in which an individual
would buy a large number of shares in a company, then threaten to
lodge costly nuisance litigation unless the company agreed to
repurchase his shares at an exorbitant price.
In fact, these scandals were spawned by two larger societal
trends. One is an overall laxness in ethical standards that crept
into the corporate culture. People in positions of authority were
unwilling to look rule-benders in the eye and say: "That's
The second is the bottom-line mentality that flowered in the
boom '90s. People who focused only on quarterly earnings made money
easily in an up market but found the sledding tough in a down
market. When things started cooling off -- and they were being
pressured to show the kind of gains registered earlier -- they
found "creative" ways to make their quarterly reports look as
impressive as clamoring stock-holders expected. And they kept doing
it quarter after quarter.
Since the culprit here is values, new regulations won't do the
trick. Indeed, the quasi-government agency some federal lawmakers
are trying to create to police the accounting industry would do
little to prevent wrongdoing -- and could encourage companies to
indulge in even more questionable bookkeeping.
Sure, it's a tough-sounding proposal, and it would satisfy the
understandably high level of outrage these scandals have generated.
But it would take industry lawyers about 10 minutes to discover
loopholes in the strict laws and explicit requirements the agency
spent months writing.
Consider how Enron first got into trouble. To reduce its
liabilities, it created "limited partnerships" so that the company
could shift assets and boost profits, at least on paper. Such an
action may skate the edge of legality, but it didn't violate the
letter of the law -- and it's the kind of behavior that's bound to
increase if a new agency is handing down detailed rules that can be
flouted with ease.
The Senate Banking Committee recently approved legislation
proposing a new government agency that would police the accounting
industry. A better solution can be found in a bill the House passed
in April. It would set up privately organized entities that would
review audits and auditors and take disciplinary actions when
necessary -- actions that would be reported to the SEC, which could
have corporate crooks thrown in jail.
These private groups would be able to respond quickly to changes
in the accounting industry and would be far more flexible than a
government agency. Since they don't have to follow a cumbersome
federal process, they can revise their standards faster and make it
less tempting for companies to play games with their books and
hoodwink investors.
The goal shouldn't be so much to chastise the industry --
however justifiable that be -- but to provide the public with
accurate financial information.
That's where the Senate bill falls short. It would lock future audits into a straitjacket of government regulations that may well increase the likelihood of future problems. The flexible approach the House has proposed, along with criminal prosecution of willful violations, would do a better job of encouraging companies to keep reliable books and restoring public confidence in the market.
David John, a former vice president with New York's Chase Manhattan bank, is a research fellow at The Heritage Foundation (www.heritage.org).
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