Government Regulation


Government Regulation

America is overregulated. Every facet of daily life, from what cars we drive to what food we eat is subject to government’s regulatory reach.


Learn more about policy that reduces stifling government regulation of every aspect of our lives with Solutions.


Find Heritage comments on federal regulations here.

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Electricity Deregulation and Federalism:  How Congress and theStates Can... Adam D. Thierer

Jun 23, 1997 About an hour read


Electricity Deregulation and Federalism; How Congress and the States Can Work... Adam D. Thierer

Jun 23, 1997 About an hour read


Government's Hidden Tax:  Time to Account For the Cost ofRegulation Angela Antonelli

Sep 10, 1996 5 min read


Senator Pressler's Bold Proposal for Spectrum Freedom Adam D. Thierer

Jun 7, 1996 22 min read


The Enterprise Resource Bank Act:  Moving In The WrongDirection John S. Barry

May 30, 1996 4 min read


Time For A Moratorium On New Regulations Susan M. Eckerly

Jan 27, 1995 9 min read


Why The Fairness Doctrine Is Anything But Fair Adam D. Thierer

Oct 29, 1993 5 min read