Government Regulation


Government Regulation

America is overregulated. Every facet of daily life, from what cars we drive to what food we eat is subject to government’s regulatory reach.


Learn more about policy that reduces stifling government regulation of every aspect of our lives with Solutions.


Find Heritage comments on federal regulations here.

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Google It: Privacy Advocates Wrong About Gmail Andrew M. Grossman

Apr 15, 2004 3 min read


State of the Union: Small Business, Large Regulation James L. Gattuso

Jan 21, 2004 3 min read


Time for Congress to Improve the National Flood Insurance Program David C. John

Nov 14, 2003 3 min read


The Case for RESPA Reform

Jun 19, 2003 4 min read


Local Telephone Competition: Unbundling the FCC's Rules James L. Gattuso

Feb 10, 2003 18 min read


Expensing Employee Stock Options: Lifting the Fog

Oct 18, 2002 33 min read