Government Regulation


Government Regulation

America is overregulated. Every facet of daily life, from what cars we drive to what food we eat is subject to government’s regulatory reach.


Learn more about policy that reduces stifling government regulation of every aspect of our lives with Solutions.


Find Heritage comments on federal regulations here.


Time to Reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D.

Jun 20, 2005 20 min read


Mandated Fuel Surcharges: Will the Highway Bill Re-Regulate Trucking? James L. Gattuso

Apr 8, 2005 3 min read


Broadcast Indecency: More Regulation Not the Answer James L. Gattuso

Feb 15, 2005 5 min read


Ma Bell's Retirement: No Big Deal James L. Gattuso

Feb 7, 2005 3 min read


Time for Congress to End the Regional Inequities in the Federal Highway Program Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D.

Feb 1, 2005 3 min read


Telecom Competition Rules: Déjà Vu All Over Again? James L. Gattuso

Dec 14, 2004 4 min read


Hollywood, Values, and P2P Lawsuits

Nov 11, 2004 4 min read