Government Regulation


Government Regulation

America is overregulated. Every facet of daily life, from what cars we drive to what food we eat is subject to government’s regulatory reach.


Learn more about policy that reduces stifling government regulation of every aspect of our lives with Solutions.


Find Heritage comments on federal regulations here.


Why Aspins's 'Bottom-Up'. Defense Review Is a Charade Baker Spring

Jul 9, 1993 4 min read


Why Aspins's 'Bottom-Up'. Defense Review Is a Charade Baker Spring

Jul 9, 1993 4 min read


How to Think About Regulations Daniel Oliver

May 19, 1993 22 min read


How Regulation is Destroying American Jobs William G. Laffer

Feb 16, 1993 30 min read


Realistic Options for Reducing the Burden of Excessive Regulation David M. Mason

Jan 19, 1993 1 min read


The U.S. Regulatory Regime and the Global Economy Wi11iam Perry

Oct 20, 1992 15 min read


The Misplaced Assault on Resident Ownership of Public Housing Carl F. Horowitz

Oct 2, 1992 22 min read