Part of the new Medicare law calls for a "demonstration program"
in six metropolitan areas, allowing private health care plans to
offer seniors health coverage under the auspices of the ailing
Great Society program. The purpose of the test, to be started by
2010, is to see how well a competitive, market-based system can
control soaring Medicare costs, especially after baby boomers begin
retiring in 2011. Talk about bad timing.
But aside from bad timing, Congress has hobbled the test with so
many restrictions and regulations, it's doomed to fail. Lawmakers
have turned a promising approach for reform into "a pretext for
killing a proposal or designing it to fail," Heritage Foundation
health care expert Robert Moffit writes in Fixing The New Medicare Law # 1:
An Agenda for Change (April 26,
2004).As if that's not
enough, Moffit notes that several members of Congress have already
said they will block the test from taking place in their districts
and elsewhere.
This means the test is not only thing that's designed fail.
Medicare will fail, too, unless steps are taken now to address the
program's exploding costs. Read more of Moffit's paper
For more information or to receive an e-mail version of "Bitter
Pills," contact [email protected]
or call Heritage Media Services at (202) 675-1761.
"Bitter Pills" is an occasional, but regular, feature from The
Heritage Foundation on how the 2003 Medicare drug law is full of
sickening "surprises" that have serious consequences for seniors
and taxpayers. Of course, The Heritage Foundation isn't surprised
at all. We diagnosed the problems long ago in ourMedicare Maladies series.
Both Medicare Maladies and Bitter Pills are available on (if you can stomach