Health Care Reform


Health Care Reform

Health care reform should be a patient-centered, market-based alternative that empowers individuals to control the dollars and decisions regarding their health care.


Health Care Choices and Premiums Under Obamacare: Numbers By State

Health Care Choices Resource Kit


Get a copy of the book, “No Choice, No Exit: The Left’s Plans for Your Health Care” 


How to Provide Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare James Frogue

Jun 16, 1999 24 min read


The Shadegg Health Bill: Expanding Access and Choice James Frogue

May 19, 1999 4 min read


Why Price Controls on Prescription Drugs Would Harm Seniors David C. John

May 4, 1999 4 min read


How Governors Can Help Children to Get Private Health Insurance James Frogue

Apr 23, 1999 4 min read


What the Lewin-VHI Analysis of the Clinton Health Plan Really Shows Stuart M. Butler, Ph.D.

Jan 7, 1994 6 min read

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