Heritage Foundation Releases Blueprint for Balance FY2020

Heritage Foundation Releases Blueprint for Balance FY2020

May 20, 2019 1 min read

Washington, D.C. – The Heritage Foundation released its Blueprint for Balance FY2020 which provides more than 250 specific, actionable proposals to rein in spending, reform taxes, and right-size the federal government. Romina Boccia, Director of the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, released the following:

The federal budget and subsequent spending decisions should lead to a freer and more prosperous nation with opportunity for all. The current trajectory threatens economic growth and the prosperity of current and future generations.

The Blueprint is an essential tool for helping the American people better understand our fiscal challenges and holding lawmakers accountable for action and inaction on the budget. If implemented, the Blueprint will balance the budget in 10 years while reducing taxes, reform entitlement programs, and right-size federal spending.

The federal budget should reflect the values of the American people within the constraints of constitutional government. Where there’s a will to secure America’s financial footing, the Blueprint for Balance provides Congress and the Administration with the way forward.