Heritage President Applauds Effort to Expand Education Options for Military Families

Heritage President Applauds Effort to Expand Education Options for Military Families

Mar 8, 2019 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James released the following statement about expanding Education Savings Accounts for military families.


“Every member of a military family makes daily sacrifices for this country; there’s no need for families to sacrifice their children’s education, too. That’s why creating and funding Education Savings Accounts for military families is a critical step in supporting our fighting forces—and it’s the right thing to do for those who are already sacrificing so much for the rest of us.


“How children are educated is probably one of the most important decisions that parents can make. Providing an opportunity for school choice is especially important for military families. Troops have refused promotions or considered leaving the military because of dissatisfaction with the education their children are receiving. In the past several years, we’ve seen the Air Force experience pilot shortages and the Army miss its recruitment goals. How can we expect military moms and dads to fight for their country when they’re worried about fighting for their own children’s education?


“The security of every American depends on the ability of our armed forces to meet their recruitment numbers and retain the troops they have, and that depends on us doing our part to support their families while they’re fighting for ours. The Education Savings Accounts for Military Families Act does this by providing parents with educational options for their children.


“I want to thank Rep. Jim Banks and Senators Ben Sasse, Tim Scott, and Tom Cotton for introducing this bill that not only supports our military families but enhances military readiness by providing an attractive resource to both recruit and retain service members.”